Sous la voûte étoilée | Under the Starry Vault
From Art to Knowledge
Be amazed!
Through art
Through science
For nature
About Us
In a time of climate change, we aim to question the relationship between humans and their environment through art.

We create artistic and literary experiences using augmented reality and immersive sound to educate audiences and raise awareness of environmental issues by providing scientific and educational content.

Our objective: to move from reflection to action. For each project, links are established with partners working in the field (example: Socotra dragon blood Tree for reforestation).

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« We believe in the power of art to reveal the beauty of nature and to raise awareness of the need to preserve it. »
If you want to rent one of our productions or think about a common project, contact us.
Cécile Palusinski
Elsa Mroziewicz