Innovative Digital Books
By combining various resources such as text, sound, images, video, and animation, enriched digital books offer new reading experiences and have become a learning tool used in educational practices.

Interactive maps, exploratory paths, and random trails - let’s create new entry points to knowledge!

Our collection
This project aims to continue our reflection on the relationship between humans and nature through the universal archetype of the tree, which connects the three components of the Universe: the celestial, terrestrial, and underground worlds, a concept present in many cultures worldwide.

It consists of an enriched digital book in web format, a giant augmented pop-up tree, a collection of illustrated poems, «Pages d’Arbres,» published by the Centre de Créations pour l’Enfance de Tinqueux, and an audio tour. The webbook is at the heart of the project and can be directly accessed through the website:

More details on the exhibition

Language : French

  They trusted us:

Arbres Mondes - Partenaires

« We believe in the power of art to reveal the beauty of nature and to raise awareness of the need to preserve it. »
If you want to rent one of our productions or think about a common project, contact us.
Cécile Palusinski
Elsa Mroziewicz