Mediation Workshops
We like to propose workshops of mediation adapted to each type of public (young public, schoolchildren, adults, public prevented), in particular on scientific popularization:

• Workshops of artistic co-creation which allow to awaken creativity and to transmit the taste of the discovery

Examples of workshops of creations:
- Pop-up book & artist’s book / Pop-up cards: Fold and unfold
- Writing and recordings of sound poems (podcasts)
- Stop-motion workshop (animated film)
- Realization of collective frescoes (with AR)
To know more about our other workshops, contact us. We also offer kits and/or training for mediators.

• Conferences or round tables that invite reflection

  Click on the images to zoom

  Click on the images to zoom

  Click on the images to zoom

« We believe in the power of art to reveal the beauty of nature and to raise awareness of the need to preserve it. »
If you want to rent one of our productions or think about a common project, contact us.
Cécile Palusinski
Elsa Mroziewicz